Wednesday, January 20, 2010


About Myself: I graduated from Indiana University in the Spring of 2007. After, I spent my time trying to find what I really wanted to do. Beginning in January of 2009, I worked with EF English First to teach students of various countries English as a Foreign Language. I returned home in August, only to furiously miss the students I had grown to love. However, at this point I decided it was a perfect time to return to school for a master's degree.

How I Choose Social Work: I thought about several fields of study for a master's degree: International Studies, School Counseling, TEFL/TESL, and Social Work. All held a degree of interest for me, but when it came down to it, Social Work was the field that held the best combination of my interests. Social Work allows me to aid people, work with other nationalities, and help others create a strong new beginning. My interest in human rights and services, as well as my compassion, empathy, and responsibility will all aid me in Social Work.

Funding: As you know, graduate school anywhere is extremely expensive. I am filing my FAFSA for financial aid, but know it is very likely I will not receive the amount necessary to cover tuition, nevertheless, living costs. Additionally, I am saving a portion of each paycheck I receive, which unfortunately is not a lot. Every little bit will help me achieve my goal of earning a graduate degree in Social Work. Please consider donating, via PayPal, to my graduate tuition. Even the smallest amount will help.

My Social Work Goals

The Masters of Social Work will give me the skills to effectively assess the victims and learn how to best be of assistance. Learning the techniques to aid those in difficult situations is my primary goal in social work. I hope to be able to reach out to people and offer them a safe and encouraging place to turn and seek advice, as well as learn to identify problems from afar. The School of Social Work will also help me learn to properly follow-up on cases since it is essential to make sure those involved are able to do their duty to keep themselves and others safe, progressing, or involved. Additionally, a dual Master of Arts in International Studies will help prepare me for various international politics, relations, and ethics I will encounter abroad.

I aim to work and be associated with organizations like Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Amnesty International, and the Polaris Project. All would allow me to be involved with various human right issues such as refugees, trafficking, and slavery. In the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is written, “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” I want to honor those rights. The best way and next step for me to do so is with a master’s degree in Social Work.
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